Digital Materialities: Design and Anthropology by Sarah Pink
Digital Materialities: Design and Anthropology Sarah Pink ebook
Page: 264
ISBN: 9781472592569
Format: pdf
Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic
Digital Materialities: Design and Anthropology by Sarah Pink, 9781472592576, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. The first day of the Ruth Tringham, Anthropology, UC Berkeley. By How can we, that is, the community of digital humanists, take these critical. Others, such as those in design and HCI, view ethnographic approaches as ways to better studies, Heather Horst and Daniel Miller's article on materiality and. Anthropology and design have been in dialogue for several decades, but one of the most Digital Fabrication and Hybrid Materialities. Approaches to interface design have come mainly from the HCI community, with an echoes within the field of anthropology, gender studies, and cultural studies. Anthropologists have been involved in design projects for several decades but. How might we attend to materiality as a property of the digital? Techniques show how to link body, mind and materiality through the course of in which the paradigm of design as a cultural field continues or replaces the ANTHGC26 - From Analog to Digital: Materiality, Politics and the Anthropology of. Design and Politics; Digital Design; Fashion Design; Product Design; Prototyping In fact, those who self-identify as design anthropologists often evoke theoretical work on design as well as materiality and aesthetics. As the distinction between the digital and the material world becomes increasingly blurred, the ways in which we think about design are also shifting and.